1. Falling In
(a) Explanation
The number of ranks which the Squad (or Company) forms up in is dependent on the number in he Squad. As a guide a Squad of 4 to 10 could be formed up in single rank, 8 to 20 could be formed up in two ranks and from 16 upwards in three ranks. The following details the procedure for the Squad to be formed up in two ranks. A procedure for falling in in three ranks is given in Ceremonial Drill.
The Boys will take their places in succession, front and rear rank alternately, commencing from the flank on which they are ordered to form, each Boy occupying a space of about 60cm (24 inches).
Each Boy of the rear rank will place himself two paces from the Boy in front of him, measuring from heel to heel and will cover him correctly, the two Boys thus placed forming a file. When there are an odd number of Boys there will be a blank file. The Boy forming the blank file will always be in the rank in front, and will remain a member of that rank until it becomes the rank in rear, when he will move up to the rank now in front. The Squad will be numbered from right to left, files thus becoming odd or even (refer page 6.3). The Squad will dress by the right unless otherwise ordered. Boys will assemble, standing easy, on the left of the intended parade.
(b) Orders for Falling In
SQUAD – The Squad comes to the Stand at Ease position.
MARKER TAKE—POST -A Boy previously detailed (usually the tallest Boy in the Squad) comes to attention and after a pause equal to four paces in quick time, marches out and halts two paces from the Instructor, who has placed himself opposite the point which he wishes the right flank of the Squad to occupy. The marker turns left to face the Instructor and stands at ease.
FALL—IN – All Boys, including the marker, come to attention and after a pause, equal to four paces in quick time, march on to the marker, taking up their positions as follows.
The rear rank Boy will place himself two paces in rear of the marker, correctly covered. The remainder will take up their positions alternately in front and rear ranks in succession from the right occupying their full 60cm (24 inches) in the ranks. Each Boy will remain at attention , turn his head and eyes to the right and correct dressing. Rear rank Boys check their covering as well.
When No. 1 file Boys are satisfied the Squad is formed they will stand at ease, followed by all other files in succession from the right. The other files will turn their heads and eyes smartly to the front as they stand at ease.
2. Dressing and Covering
(a) To take up dressing by word of command
A Squad (or Company) formed up may be formally dressed and will act in the following way.
(i) Dressing in Close Formation
Each Boy in the front rank, except the one on the right flank, will turn his head and eyes to the right and take up his dressing in line by moving with short, quick steps till he is just able to distinguish the lower part of the face of the second Boy beyond him. Care must be taken that he carries the body backward, forward or sideways with the feet, keeping his shoulders square to the front. The space occupied by each Boy will be one space, i.e. 60cm.
Rear rank Boys will act in the same manner as the front rank and, in addition, the rear rank Boy on the directing flank will place himself two paces behind his front Boy. The remainder of the rear rank will correctly cover their front rank Boys.
A Squad can also dress by the left (LEFT—DRESS) when heads are turned to the left.
When all are properly dressed the command EYES—FRONT will be given, when the head and eyes are turned smartly to the front.
(ii) Dressing with Intervals
Each Boy in the front rank, except the ones on the right flank, will turn his head to the right and at the same time raise his right arm, back of the hand upwards, hand clenched, to touch the shoulder of the Boy on his right.
He will then take up his dressing in line and at the correct interval by moving with short quick steps and gradually straightening his arm until he is in line with the Boy on his right. Care must be taken that he carries his body backward, forward or sideways with the feet, keeping his shoulders square to the front. The right-hand Boy of the rear rank raises his right arm forward, with clenched fist, adjusting the distance so that his fist is touching the shoulder of the Boy in front. The remainder turn their heads to the right and cover the Boys in the front rank to take up their dressing.
When all are properly dressed the command EYES—FRONT will be given, when the head and eyes are turned smartly to the front, at the same time lowering the right arm to the side silently.
(b) To take up dressing automatically
On the move and when marking time, Boys will correct their dressing and covering without word of command.
After the command SQUAD—HALT, and so long as the Squad remains stationary, the Squad will dress only on the word of command.
When completing a Form or Form Squad “at the Halt” each Boy will take up his dressing independently as he comes into line, keeping his head and eyes to the Right (or Left) until the movement is completed, when heads will be turned to the front in succession from the directing
If it is necessary to correct the dressing when the Squad is on the march, the command BY THE RIGHT (or LEFT) should be given, whereupon Boys will move into correct alignment by glancing to the directing flank.
This command will be given when it is required to correct covering and distance.
3. Numbering and Proving
(a) Numbering
The front rank only of the Squad will number off sharply in even time and tone from right to left, the right hand Boy calling out “ONE”, the next “TWO”, etc. Heads and eyes will be kept steady to the front. Each Boy of the rear rank will observe the number of the Boy in front of him and will note this as his own number.
NB If an error is made in numbering the Instructor will give “As You Were”, and call out the last correct number. The Boy so named will call out his number again and the front rank will take up the numbering from him.
(b) Proving
If a Boy is required to be nominated for any purpose, then his number will be called, e.g. NUMBER SIX—PROVE. The Boy so indicated raises his left forearm parallel to the ground, keeping the left elbow still, palm of the hand to the right, fingers extended and close together. The arm is kept in this position for an interval equal to four paces in quick time and is then cut smartly to the side. If the Boy to be nominated is in the rear rank the order will be NUMBER SIX, REAR RANK—PROVE.
4. Obstacles
If a Squad approaches an obstacle (such as a wall), normally the command MARK—TIME will be given at least two paces from the obstacle. However, if the command is not given the Squad will automatically mark time when the front rank is two paces from the obstacle. On the order ABOUT— TURN the Squad after turning about will continue to mark time. When the Squad is to move forward the command FOR—WARD will be given.
5. Marching in Line
(a) Advancing in Line
Each Boy steps off, as detailed on page 4.3. The guide selects a point to march on, and Boys maintain their position in the alignment by occasional glances towards the directing flank, without turning their heads. Boys out of alignment regain their places gradually by lengthening or shortening their paces.
(b) Retiring in Line
The Squad turns about.
NB 1. If on the march, the command SLOW (or QUICK)—MARCH is omitted.
2. The Boy forming a blank file is always in the rank in front. At the halt, he takes two paces forward after turning about. On the march, he marks time two paces on the command “ABOUT”, after taking one check pace, and then turns about with the remainder of the Squad.
c) Inclining
(i) From the halt
The Squad turns half right.
Each Boy steps off, maintaining the same position relative to the Boy on his right, so that the line of heads in each rank is parallel to the original alignment.
(ii) On the march
The command is given on the left foot. Each Boy takes a half right turn (see page 4.4) and
the Squad moves forward diagonally.
(iii) Reforming line
The command is given on the right foot. Each Boy takes a half left turn and if the diagonal
march has been correctly performed, the Squad is then in a line parallel to the original
NB A Squad may also incline to the left. The detail is the same as above in (i), (ii) and (iii),
except that the word left is substituted for the word right, and right for left.