The current and future ministry of Boys’ Brigade in Australia is heavily reliant on volunteers who serve at all levels of the organisation and give generously of their time to the BB ministry. For the most part leaders are committed Christians who have a calling from God to the ministry of leading and mentoring boys and young men within the structured programs of the Boys’ Brigade.
What skills do I need?
With your occupation, interests and experience in life you will no doubt have skills and talents to offer in seeking to join the local BB leader team. Naturally your life experience and maturity also count, as does a commitment to faith. Paramount though would be a desire to work with young people mentoring them in positive directions.
How do I become a leader?
Boys’ Brigade Australia has four minimum requirements for registering leaders to work in local groups:
- Approval of the appropriate church administration where the company is situated
- Completion of a police check as applies within your State/Territory
- Completion of the required BB leader training
- Acceptance of and adherence to the Brigade’s Code of Conduct for leaders
At the local group level all leaders and helpers are selected, appointed and supervised by the local organisation in accordance with the procedures adopted by that organisation
Boys’ Brigade is in the unique situation where the local church/organisation takes the lead role for approving suitable leaders for a local Boys’ Brigade company, as part of their oversight of Children and Youth ministry in the church. Some churches may also have additional conditions for approval in taking up a leadership role.
Brigade State/Territory administrations partner with local churches in the training, registration, and support of BB leaders approved by the church.
Working with Children checks
All volunteers (unless exempt*) working in Boys’ Brigade groups must have a “Working With Children” check, as prescribed by the State authority, before they start volunteering in any area of youth related activity, regardless of how often they come in contact with children and young people. Refer to the BB State administration for guidance on the specific requirements in that State or Territory.
Wanting to volunteer as a local group leader?
We suggest you contact the local company Captain in your area or the church pastor regarding your desire to work in the BB ministry and they will take it from there.
Other volunteering roles?
BB in your state/Territory may have volunteer support roles that don’t involve a week by week commitment to a local group but are important to the success of the wider work of the Brigade across Australia.
These may include working with the administration, maintenance of buildings and fundraising. These roles usually require specific skill sets and an understanding of the ethos of working in a Christian organisation.
If you would like to discuss possible opportunities in your area, please contact your local State/Territory administration.
Want to know more about BB leadership roles?
The following page may answer some of your questions.
Use the map to find a group near you or please contact your State/Territory administration to identify the local contacts that might be helpful.